Page name: bubble wrap lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-03-15 18:20:01
Last author: ZOMBIE x ZOMBIE
Owner: elf_iceprincess
# of watchers: 14
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this is for everyone who loves bubble wrap and thinks its better than therapy * you must love bubble wrap to join*


to add baner just take ** out

MEMBERS to join go to bwl members

1.[Forbidden Truths]
6.[I do believe in faeries I do I do]
7. [Popqorn] I got bubble wrap for christmas as a presant! It was the actual presant not the wraping of one!
8.[^_^ bubi et ^_^] i love bubble wrap
9.[Clarabell12] I love bubble wrap SO much...... i
10.[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]iluv bubblewrap!!its soooo addiciting!sepcially if ur bored!!lol



11. [Fortune Orange]


13. [Ktcm] *pop* ... *pop pop* ^-^; yey
14. [elwen] its great to annoy people with!!!
15. [Popqorn] I got bubble wrap for Christmas once! really! it wasnt just the packaging! I got a 6ft long thing of bubble wrap! only because i asked for it though! I was so happy! It entertained me for like 3 hours!
16. [penguin jones] i'm an addict for bubble wrap
17. [Ham] Wrapping stuff in it is such a waste....*plays with it in corner*
18. [The Taste of Ink !] Yay for bubble wrap!! :D
19.[Lucy-Lou] whoooh! jump on it!


21.[psychekiller] yay bubble wrap

22. [Broken_Musician] I LOVE BUBBLE WRAP

23. [My Own Creation] It was my favorite toy as a child...I still ♥ it!!
24. [I_lüv_bubbles] Bubble wrap rules my world

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[Aliz]: I think they look like panda bears :P

[evil beavle]: yes... they look really like panda beare

[Aliz]: yup ^_^

[Teufelsweib]: just like Avril Lavinge


[Teufelsweib]: panda bear!!!

[evil beavle]: wtf heeft avril met panda beer te maken... sorry I'm going to talk dutch...

[Teufelsweib]: lijkt erop

[Aliz]: I understood it :P don't worry ^_^

[Iuna]: woow cool ^^

[evil beavle]: kej...

[Iuna]: <img:>

[evil beavle]: stop that.... just... stop.... THAT!!!!!

[Iuna]: NOOOO <img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:>

[evil beavle]: I just knew that you would do that

[Iuna]: duh ^_^

[Iuna]: okay... I will stop it now...

[evil beavle]: JEEEj you did it again...

[Iuna]: noooo I didn't!!!

[evil beavle]: what did you do that you didn't???!!! :S

[Iuna]: I don't know, u said that I did it again..... :(

[evil beavle]: oh... oh that's true... but why did I wright that//??

[Iuna]: I don't know... I'm not your fingers..... O.o

[Iuna]: looook!!! It isn't moving ;p O.o

[evil beavle]: yeah... I'm really glad you are not...!!!

[Iuna]: haha cool^^ I'm glad too that I'm not your fingers ^^ fjeww....

[evil beavle]: ok..., as usual this is a stupid discussion lets talk about something else!! :D

[Iuna]: cool idea ^^

[evil beavle]: ok now think about something like another subject

[Iuna]: uhhhhhhhh...... something stupid??

[evil beavle]: NOOO that was what we went talking about

[Iuna]: ow ok.... you know... we are talking alone here... :s

[evil beavle]: Yes let stop

[Iuna]: ok

[evil beavle]: this is boring!!1j

[Iuna]: duh *stops*

[Teufelsweib]: shut up

[evil beavle]: we were already getting stopping or something

[Teufelsweib]: shut up

[Iuna]: I stopped ^_^

[Teufelsweib]: good

[Iuna]: whieej ^_^

[Teufelsweib]: ^_^

[Iuna]: :)

[Aliz]: uh....yeah..whatever :P

[Iuna]: I looove smilies!! :D ^_^

[Aliz]: me too ^_^

[Beru-chan]: d=(^o^)=b  and don't forget me!! I love them too!

[Iuna]: yay!!! coooool ^_^  /(X_X)\ (dead girl)

[Beru-chan]: hahah! woosh!!

[Aliz]: X_x

[Beru-chan]: whieej everyone is dead! lol X_X....

[Iuna]: hahaha /(X_X)\

[evil beavle]: no I'm not 0.o ^o^

[Iuna]: ow shit

[evil beavle]: haha you are dead... wat valt er te shitten??

[Iuna]: uhhh. nee kweenie

[Teufelsweib]: then we should kill her...

[Iuna]: who?:

[Aliz]: I'm not dead either...or...*looks around confused*

[evil beavle]: why should you kill me???/ you are not dead either... so if you kill me... I'm afraid I have to say I kill you 2

[Piggly_wiggly]: well if you're dead than you can't dp anything accept fart and grow hair

[evil beavle]: what means dp???????????

[evil beavle]: you wrote .../.you can't dp.... what is dp??

[Aliz]: I think she ment do :P hehe

[evil beavle]: ow... ok.... I get it...

[Aliz]: hehe ^_^

[evil beavle]: I kej.. I get it

[Aliz]: nice for you ^_^

[evil beavle]: thankyou

[Aliz]: you're welcome :P

[evil beavle]: kej

[Aliz]: yup X_x

[Teufelsweib]: stupid cow

[Iuna]: jup

[Aliz]: cow ^_^ *looks around for cows*

[Teufelsweib]: THERE! BEHIND YOU!!

[Aliz]: *steals cow*

[Teufelsweib]: yummm fresh cowflesh....^~^

[Piggly_wiggly]: i'm a vegetarian.....

[Teufelsweib]: these are virtualelftown cows

[Piggly_wiggly]: that a gooder thing?

[Teufelsweib]: that's up to you ;p

[Piggly_wiggly]: lol....i've tried to eat real meat afore and it just didn't work...i felt so guilty about even thinknig about it

[Aliz]: don't have to be a vegetarian because you love can be a vegetarien because you hate vegetables :P hehe

[Teufelsweib]: and what if you feel sorry for the vegetables...?

[Piggly_wiggly]: i don't feel sorry for the vegetables's ok to eat....

[Aliz]: I hate vegetables...but they taste nasty :P

[Iuna]: hahaha what do you eat than?

[Teufelsweib]: aliz eats flies

[Iuna]: yummy...

[Teufelsweib]: yummy indeed

[Aliz]: I eat pasta :P

[Teufelsweib]: no flies?

[Aliz]: nope...only pasta...and cheese...*thinks: with chocolate or caviar*

[Teufelsweib]: and garlic!!

[evil beavle]: yes you can't forget GARLIC!!

[Iuna]: yep!

[evil beavle]: again... go to the muffin thing and you will see my answer

[Iuna]: Ok..

[Teufelsweib]: whatever

[Aliz]: not cheese with garlic...goatcheese with chocolate :P hehe...and cheese with caviar :P pasta with garlic...yep ^_^

[evil beavle]: every recipe +garlic (if garlic is already in it... just another toes of the garlic, just like the tzatzikitzaus....haha)

[Teufelsweib]: do you spell that that way? :P

[evil beavle]: no... tzazikisaus

[Teufelsweib]: tjatzikisaus maybe?

[evil beavle]: nope... tzazikisaus

[Teufelsweib]: fuck you, tjatziki

[evil beavle]: no fuck you its is tzazikisaus... I asked my mum about that.,... MWUAHAHAHA

[Teufelsweib]: fuck you!!!!!!

[Teufelsweib]: ok ok... a greek friend here of mine said it, you're right

[evil beavle]: haha...I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you loseI won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose I won you lose !!!

[Aliz]: win *steals garlic and runs*

[Teufelsweib]: still I say: fuck you loser! AND BRING THAT GARLIC BACK!!!

[Ecth3lion]: Well the real GREEK shall tell his opinion...

[Ecth3lion]: It is just that it is TZATZIKI anyway *it is written thz way in greek anyone who doubts mail me...*

[Teufelsweib]: couldn't you change the greek dictionary?

[Aliz]: make it tsatsiki instead .P

[Teufelsweib]: nooo tjatziki

[Aliz]: no....totzozakokikoki :P hehe

[Aliz]: no....totzozatotzozikoki :P hehe

[Teufelsweib]: tschatchsssikiej

[Aliz]: tza... much shorter and easier :P

[Iuna]: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

[Teufelsweib]: the T-sauce

[Aliz]: yep ^_^

[Teufelsweib]: or just... T

[Aliz]: yeah...but than it's easy to mix it with the letter T :P

[Teufelsweib]: hmm.... that's right...

[Aliz]: yeah

[Teufelsweib]: so it will remain T-sauce...

[Aliz]: yeah...or tza :P

[Teufelsweib]: to looooooooooooong

[Aliz]:'s shorter than t-sauce

[Iuna]: yep

[Teufelsweib]: then what about T-S

[Iuna]: tauce?

[Teufelsweib]: tzatziki-sauce

[Aliz]: ok...then it's T-S

[Iuna]: ok ^_^

[Teufelsweib]: yay, who wants here some T-sauce?

[Iuna]: I don't, I hate it!!!

[Teufelsweib]: so what, just to practise saying T-sauce

[Iuna]: ok ^^ *start practising saying T-sauce*

[Teufelsweib]: TTTeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-saaauuuce

[Iuna]: woooooosh!!! T-sauce!!

[Teufelsweib]: TTTTTTT

[Iuna]: sssssssaaaaaaauuuuuuuucccccccceeeeee

[evil beavle]: I was in a greece restauratn... and I looked up the *T-word* and there was it... twice... the first one; zaziki . the second one: tzatziki... yeay... thatis really logic...

[Aliz]: uh.....t-s ....not t-sauce

[Teufelsweib]: what?

[Iuna]: :s

[Teufelsweib]: whatevah

[Iuna]: ok

[Aliz]: NO!! t-s

[Iuna]: yesssss!!

[Aliz]: t-s

[Iuna]: T-s

[Teufelsweib]: bleeeeeeeeeh go back yo your cages, you are killing me

[Iuna]: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 

[Teufelsweib]: moooo, cow

[Iuna]: yeah!! let's pay cow!!! moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!!!!

[Teufelsweib]: ojwreah\zsigpewJGBVJ;WEGGGGGGGG

[Iuna]: hasf,kjsgdgklasf I totally get it... :s

[Aliz]: moooooooooo I'm a cat :P

[evil beavle]: yes..... we want all to be something else... now look like you are a guinea pig:  miemie mmiepieppiepiepip haha oink oink groink: GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOIIIIIINNNNNNKKKKKKKKKFFFfffffffff


[Beru-chan]: lol that sounds like my guinea dead now though

[Aliz]: baaaaaa I'm a cat :P

[evil beavle]: íiiiiieeeeeee aaaaaaaaahhhhhh I'm a guinea pig

[Aliz]: YEEHAA....I'm a cowgirl :P hehe

[evil beavle]: we have such a fun!!!!!!! mwahahah uche kuche poepchinees :S

[Aliz]: hehe :P

[evil beavle]: we are so funny here :S:S:S so not!!

[Aliz]: we're TOO funny :P MUAHAHA

[evil beavle]: I am going to die from funnyness :S *act like dieing:S*

[Aliz]: too *falls on floor*

[evil beavle]: haha*laughs so hard that my teeth are falling out* :S weird...

[Aliz]: you need a dentist :D *smiles*

[evil beavle]: yes :D O don't look... you will see my bad half falling out teeth... by laughting wtf.. I'm going to be insane!

[Aliz]: cool ^_^ hehe... *escapes from madhouse*

[evil beavle]: *is caught by the police because my parents became suspicieuw or something*

[Aliz]: hehe..too bad :P

[Teufelsweib]: what a great conversation you to here are having,if you read it all 0_o

[Iuna]: hahahahahahahahah

[Aliz]: yup ^_^ we're funny..

[Teufelsweib]: very funny indeed

[Iuna]: yup^_^

[Teufelsweib]: yupyup

[Iuna]: woosh ^^

[Aliz]: too funny :P hehe

[Teufelsweib]: lmao

[Aliz]: wazzup?

[Teufelsweib]: what?

[Aliz]: wazzup??

[Teufelsweib]: what?

[Aliz]: wazzup?? MUAHAHA

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